
We all know that quality photos can be pretty pricey, but it’s important to understand why. 

Photos aren’t "just pictures", they are still shots of memories that will now last you a life time. 

Most of us remember when mom would pull out the 50lb box of photos and we’d sit around for hours just reminiscing. 

Without the photos of those chunky baby feet, dads sweet hair-do at their wedding, or your preschool graduation; those things would all just be a distant memory. 

Photos are more than just a photo, they are an investment. A forever memory. It is my job to make sure we do this right the first time..because this is the only time these moments will exist. 

I want to get to know you and learn exactly what you’re looking for with your photos. These are about YOU. My job is to serve you and ensure your satisfaction through this entire process. 

I hope to start this process as “consumer & customer” and leave it as friends. 

I am so glad you took the time to find me here & I hope we get to work together!

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